Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Keys to French Property Renovation

French property renovations are quite different from the average home renovation. These properties are often period pieces that have distinct and unique features that need special care and attention. But before grabbing your air tools and air compressor you should understand in order to covert an old property into a modern property without losing that period feel, a person needs to understand the key points of renovating a French Property.

Many FrenB65ch homes were built quite a while ago and are now on sale. These homes will require renovation because they have either been neglected or not lived in for many years. They are most likely going to be a place that is fine to live in, but the new owner will probably desire some renovations to give it the modern feel desired in a home today.

Before a person buys a French property they should have it inspected in order to authenticate the period property. Additionally, the inspection should include a check of the waste system, general structure, including the foundation, and electricity to ensure all are still in good condition and useable. This inspection will help the buyer to understand the renovation work that will need to be done and help them decide it the purchase is reasonable.

Before renovations start, the buyer should establish an idea of the total renovation cost. The estimate should include factors such as delays or unexpected problems that could arise. When doing renovations on French property, a buyer needs to make sure they are staying true to the period of the piece. It is best to hire an architect that is familiar with French period homes to oversee the renovations.

How to Choose the Right Architect

The architect is going to make sure that all building codes are followed and that the renovations stay true to the design of the home.

Choosing the right architect is going to be very important to making the renovation process a success. The architect should be able to handle the needed building permits and the preservation order, if any. A preservation order may be necessary if the home is included in the Inventaire Supplementaire des Monuments Historiques, which is the inventory of Historic Monuments.

The architect should also be registered in France, which can be verified by asking for the Siret number. A Siret number is issued by the France Chamber of Commerce. Additionally, the buyer should ask for a Decenel Insurance or a Responsabilite Civile. Both of these are insurance coverage for the architect that will cover any damages to the property made by error.

Overall, the architect should have experience working with period homes and know what he or she is doing. It is very important that the architect is knowledgeable enough to know what to do and what not to do during the renovation and that he or she can warn the buyer should any problem arise.

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