Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Do I Need a Home Inspection? - Real Estate Advice

Most home inspections today run between $300 to over $1000 and sometimes you don't really get your moneys worth. There are home inspection companies that guarantee, any problems that they miss will be repaired at their expense over a desired period of time, usually a year. It seems like, most home inspection companies are just inspecting the property and have no guarantees or liability from their inspection.

It's not a good idea to buy or sell a home without getting a home inspection from a licensed home inspector. This is like having a second opinion from someone who is usually skilled in the process. I would like to point something out to unsuspecting, potential home buyers and sellers. Sometimes a home inspection company will get a little behind in their work and need to hire other home inspectors if these home inspectors don't have any experience in the construction business or have never inspected a home before. In other words there fresh out of home inspector school. You might not get a good home inspection.

You can always ask the question, how long have you been in business?... How long have you been a home inspector?... have you ever worked in the construction business or have any skills in home building and remodeling. If the answers to these questions are satisfactory, it doesn't mean, that they're telling the truth and being sincere and could lead to problems later if they are lying to you.

Let me rephrase the question now, "Do I Need a Home Inspection" from an unqualified home inspector? Absolutely not. But how can you really tell the difference and is the report going to be worth the money that you paid for it.

What would you say, if I had the solution to your problem. How about a pre-home inspection, using a home buyers checklist? What if I could give you a check list with questions, that you could ask your home inspector? Some of these questions are not going to be part a regular inspection but should always be asked and make sure you get the answers to them, before purchasing the property.

Would you be interested now? What if I told you, for under $20, you could purchase a home buyers checklist, now for the tough question, this checklist could save you thousands of dollars and prevent you from purchasing a home with major construction problems or defects, and can be used on every house you look at.

Don't buy a home without purchasing a professional home inspection checklist. These lists of questions can save you some serious headaches and stress in the future.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection or home building ideas.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Plywood Roof Sheeting - Roof Framing Trade Secrets

Most framing contractor's look at the building plans and order all of the material, according to those that are specified on the plans. This works out fine, and can often save you money, but rarely produces the best home that you could possibly frame.

As a professional framing contractor, I would like to share one of my house framing tips with you. Most plans require half-inch plywood or oriented strand board as their roof sheeting. This product is fine and if you're building a lot of homes, you're not going to have the choice. Ordering larger sized plywood could cost you thousands of dollars, especially if you're building a lot of homes.

However, if your framing or building a home for someone or even yourself, you might want to take my advice and think twice about it, before ordering the roof sheeting. Half-inch plywood, works okay for 16 inch on center roof rafters or engineered truss roofing systems. It doesn't work well on 24 inch on center roof rafters spacing.

It is usually flimsy and weak at the center point, directly in between the 24 inch roof rafter bays. If you're going to use the half-inch plywood, I would recommend using plywood clips that are relatively inexpensive and can be placed in the direct center of each roof rafter bay on each sheet of plywood. These can be purchased at most home improvement centers or lumber yards.

The other alternative, and this is what I recommend, would be to use 5/8 inch plywood. This plywood works great for 24 inch on center roof rafters and you will have a nice sturdy roof to walk on, while roofing your home.

I have actually seen people step through the flimsy plywood, while lifting heavy roof tiles and bundles of composition roof shingles. Experienced roofers try to walk directly on top of the roof rafters, when loading their roof shingles or even carrying them on the roof.

If you're a home builder and your concern is about making a profit, you will need to use the half-inch plywood. If you want to build a superior roof, use the 5/8 of an inch plywood.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link House Framing Contractors.

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a excellent home inspection checklist to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Subfloor Damage From Poor Bathtub Installation - Read Bath Tub Fixture Manuals

You should never under estimate the amount of damage that water can do to your wood subfloor. Especially if this wood is underneath your bathtub. If the bathtub is not installed properly, you could find yourself replacing the wood underneath, within a short period of time. This repair is not uncommon and as more homeowners and handyman seemed to be doing projects like these, without the proper experience, it's becoming even more common.

I wish I had a solution to the problem, however, I don't. The best advice I could give anyone who is going to be involved in any home remodeling project, would be to get some books on what ever task you are about to undertake and read all of the information that you possibly can about the products you are going to be installing. This is extremely helpful for anyone who has never installed a bathtub or any bathtub fixtures.

If the product fails and was installed properly, the manufacturer should be responsible for the water damage. I have been reading the manufacturer's installation manuals for quite some time now and every once in a while, I find something that is of great value to me and I get to pass it on to my readers. That's what I'm doing right now.

Whether you want to remodel your bathroom to save money or you want to accomplish a task that you haven't done yet. I would recommend, taking the time to understand, exactly how the water flows off of and on to another section of the bath tub or shower on its way to the drain. Understanding the basics of bathroom remodeling can save you big money in the future.

Save yourself some money and make sure that you install your bathtubs properly. Taking a little time before you start to read the bath tub fixture manuals, can save you some money and grief in the future.

Find More Facts On Home Water Damage.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Check out These Amazing Home Damage Videos.

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

What If My Contractor Does Not Return My Call

This is one of the biggest problems in business today. You have some work done on your home in good faith that the contractor knows what he is doing. When all is said and done you have a problem that needs to be resolved as soon as possible. I really don't care how long it has been since the work was done. If you have a problem the least that your contractor can do is answer the telephone.

Some companies go out of business and others get to busy to respond to your problem. You will hear the old excuse "That's not my problem" or the ever popular " I didn't do that". I have been in business for over twenty years and had very few problems. Of course I built things to last as long as possible.

Keep in mind that some contractors are a one man operation and they might be on vacation. Some contractors do not answer their phones over the week ends or after business hours. So don't sink the ship to fast.

Do not call the Contractors Licensing Board or the Better Business Bureau unless it has been at least a few working days. I would give it at least a week or so. Oh yeah don't assume that the contractor got your message. Call a few times at the least.

It has always made me mad when I have to fix someone else's problems. I get the call when the other contractors won't respond. I listen to the home owner with regret for being in a business where I am considered a crook. This is one of the reasons why contractors in my business get out of it.

If you have the contractors address and they aren't responding by phone you can always send them a letter by certified mail. Request a return receipt. That's your proof that the company received your letter. Keep a copy for your files.

The good news for a home owner when a contractor will not respond to your calling them is the Department of Consumer Affairs. Most states have a complaint department of some sort that will listen to your complaints. Does this mean it will get resolved? NO there are no guarantees here.

If your state has a licensing board for contractors, this will be your next step.

This will get your contractors attention and there is a great chance they will respond now. If there are enough complaints against the contractor and they do nothing about them the contractors board will take their license away.

If your contractor does not respond after all of this. There is very little you can do about it. Hire someone to fix the problem and look at it as a very important lesson learned.

If your state doesn't have a contractors licensing board contact the Better Business Bureau or your local government for their recommendation. Ask some of your friends if they have had any problems like this and how they handled them.

For some more tips about hiring contractors go to

Greg Vandenberge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Plumbing Problems and Solutions - Repair Manuals

If you've owned a home for over 20 years, there's a very good chance, that you've had a water pipe break, a drainpipe clogged, a toilet that wouldn't flush right, or a water leak that damaged part of the home. If you don't know, what you're looking for and you have no idea what damage can be done, over time, this could mean trouble for the homeowner.

Plumbing problems like these have been around and will be around for many years. Knowing what to do about them, how to repair them and what materials will be needed, can be found in plumbing repair manuals for books. How would you like to have a professional plumber to advise you on your plumbing repairs. What if I told you that you could have a plumbing professional on hand at all times. Is this something that you might be interested in.

Well I can't guarantee that, so let's forget about what I just said and go to the next best thing. Plumbing repair manuals are full of tips and advice that when needed can sometimes be priceless. If water is leaking from the ceiling in your home and you have no idea, where the water is coming from or how to stop it from leaking, any information could be priceless and I mean priceless.

Plumbers, usually charge over $100 an hour for emergency service. I've seen plumbers come to peoples homes, turn the water off to the house, stop the water from leaking and now it is no longer an emergency. The plumber quickly pulls out an invoice for the plumbing repairs and it could be over $1000, if you decide that this is ridiculous and choose not to pay it, the plumber can hand you a bill for stopping the water leak. Some of these bills are what I would consider quite ridiculous, for just shutting the water off.

You're not paying the plumber for the amount of time it took him, you're paying him for his knowledge. If you knew where to shut the water off, you wouldn't have an emergency situation and could contact a plumber during normal hours. This could save you hundreds if not thousands of dollars.

With a simple home repair manual or a home plumbing book, you could prepare yourself for a situation like this and other plumbing problems. Most home repair manuals have general solutions and advice and can solve most of the problems around your home. If they can't solve all of the problems, they can probably save you from major catastrophes like a water leak.

Most of the time it's not the water leak that will cost the most money, it's the damage the water will do to your furniture, carpeting, wood flooring, walls or ceilings. A little information and preparation can save you a lot of money in the long run.

Home Plumbing Books

You are free to copy this article to your site as long as you include the following resource information with an active link to my site:

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a home buyers guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Basic Home Electrical Wiring - For the Do it Yourself Home Electrician

The Green Bay Packers were one of the most successful football teams and Vince Lombardi said something to them that I will never forget," This is a football." All the football players laughed and he said that we're going to start with the basics and that's what I'm going to do, with this article.

Let's start with our electrical wire, the two most common electrical wire sizes, that will be used in most homes, will be 14 and 12 gauge electrical wire. Let's clear something up, right off the bat, the smaller the number, the larger the wire. In other words a 12 gauge electrical wire is a little bit larger and will carry more electricity, for longer distances than a 14 gauge wire.

What about electrical outlet plugs? These plugs are usually the same, except for the fact that they come in different colors. When I said that most electrical plugs are the same, I'm talking about your standard wall outlet plug. There are different electrical plugs that will be used for air conditioners and some kitchen appliances like 220 Volt electric stoves and ovens.

What about your home's light switches? Your standard two way light switch will usually turn a one light on or a group of lights on, from one location. A three way light switch will usually turn one light on or a group of lights on from two different locations. A four way light switch, will usually turn one light or a group of lights on from three different locations.

It doesn't get any more basic than that. I hope this gives you a better understanding about your home's electrical system.

If you're really interested in learning more about remodeling, new home construction, home maintenance, home repairs and really want to get the nuts and bolts of home improvement. Visit our web site and select from the best-selling home building books on the Internet.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

If your looking for some more home inspection pictures or home building ideas.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Friday, September 18, 2009

Tile Grouting Tips For Your Bathrooms, Kitchens and Floors

Isn't tile grouting supposed to be simple, if you read the directions and watch a couple of videos? What could make tile grouting so difficult? Grouting your tile isn't that difficult, by the time you're done reading this article, you should have a pretty good idea how to grout your floors, bathrooms, kitchens and anything else that requires tile.

I used to have problems grouting tile, but after I read the directions, I became a grouting wizard. This sounds hard to believe, but after reading the directions on the tile grout bag, I became a grout master. I know, you the type of person who never read the directions, you simply add water, mix and start grouting.

It's time to change your thinking about, whether or not the directions will be helpful. Whether it's about grouting your bathroom floor or putting together your home barbecued. I read one thing on the grout bag and it changed my entire grouting career.

The grout should slake. After you're done mixing the grout, you should wait between five and 10 minutes to let the moisture soak into the grout mix. Do this once, and you will never go back to mixing your grout and applying it, as quickly as possible after it has been mixed.

For more information on grouting, remodeling or home repairs, I would recommend reading books on home improvement and home repairs. Some of these books can make a big difference in your home improvement abilities as a handyman. I would also recommend reading more articles, there's plenty of information about tile and grouting, all over the Internet.

Click here if you are looking for some more Bathroom Remodeling Ideas

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Tips. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks for reading the article

Important Do-It-Yourself Home Remodeling Advice

Often I'm asked by homeowners, if they think that they can build something on their own. Often I end up explaining the process to them and it's pretty confusing. I would like to give some homeowners and construction handyman some do-it-yourself home remodeling advice, about projects that I think they should avoid and the reason why.

1. Working on Electrical Service Boxes

I really don't recommend, anyone who lacks experience working with electrical, to be working on it at all. When it comes to the electrical service box repairs, if you don't have any experience working in this specific area, I am suggesting this to all homeowners and do-it-yourselfers, stay away from electrical service power boxes. Electricity can be extremely hazardous to your health, so take my advice, this is coming from an expert on the subject.

2. Plumbing Water Supply Lines

I don't recommend, anyone who doesn't have any experience working with plumbing water supply lines, because if they break, or if your repair, doesn't hold properly, you could destroy a large portion of your home. Picture this, you just got through putting a new faucet in, everything looks great, but it's time for you to go to your baseball game. You come home about four hours later and the entire house is flooded with water.

This kind of stuff does happen and you need to take the advice of an expert here. It has even happened to me and I understand the process, pretty good. If you plan on fixing any plumbing water supply lines, make sure that you can spend the time, keeping an eye on your new home repair. If you're going to have any problems with them, they will usually happen within the first few hours of use.

I hope this helps, sometimes it's better to pay a professional, but I can understand, every intelligent person, is interested in saving a few dollars and learning new skills.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Home Repair Pictures and Advice. Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link Vista Home Repair Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Five Things That a Termite Inspection Company Might Not Ever Say

I don't think that I've ever heard of a termite inspector, ever go to a home and not find any termites. Even if the home doesn't have any damage that is visible from the termites, it seems like it's always a good idea, to tent the home, just in case, for protection. Anyway, here's five things that you might not ever hear a termite inspector ever say.

1. Your house is free of termites. This means that there isn't, one termite on your property and the termite inspector isn't going to make any money. Let's face it, termite damage, whether it's visible or invisible, keeps these guys working.

2. Your house isn't going to fall down, if I don't do anything to stop the termites. I have seen homes, where termites have been working on them for quite some time and they still seem to stand up and function properly.

3. Termites don't eat much and I wouldn't worry about the damage. Most termite inspectors will tell you how much a termite in Hawaii or Africa will eat in a day, but doesn't seem to have an honest idea, how much damage they are doing to your home, if they can't actually see it.

4. Every one that works for our company, has at least 30 years experience, repairing any termite damage. Don't even get me started with this one.

5. We will replace all of the termite damage wood, back to its original condition. What they might say, is that they will replace the wood that is damaged by termites, that you can actually see.

There are plenty of great termite companies out there and this article was meant just to have fun with most of them. Termite damage can be a serious problem with some homes and I would suggest that you contact at least three termite inspectors, before proceeding ahead with any home repairs or use of chemicals.

Try not to forget, the only way that a termite inspection company will make any money, looking at your house, will be to find something wrong with it.

If you're really interested in basement remodeling and repairs, you should click on this link Easy Home Repair Tips . Get some great home repair advice that can make a big difference on any of your home remodeling projects.

If You Live in Northern San Diego County or South Orange County, and You're Looking for a Great Contractor, Click on This Link San Diego Remodeling Contractors

Greg Vandenberge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He has just finished a Home Buyers Guide to take some of the frustration out of home shopping.

Thanks For Reading My Articles

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stair Building Books

Where do we go to buy stair building books? Do we go to the major retailers like Amazon or Barnes & Noble? I have found over the years the information in most of these books I have purchased from these stores has a lot of fluff with very little common sense stair building application.

I bought one stair building book that had information on handrails. The front cover looked great and I thought this was going to be a great book reading the reviews from Amazon. When I finally got the book in the mail, I would say about one third of it was math tables for building elaborate wooden hand railing's. These tables were not easy to understand along with the rest of the book.

Back when I bought the book on building stair handrails it dawned on me that most of the construction workers I have met during my 30 years of working in the field were not very good outside of basic math. Now I knew a lot of carpenters that could read a measuring tape and use a framing square pretty good. But when it came to advanced geometrical construction projects like a stair hand railing system this was out of our league.

Reading this book or should I say parts of it gave me an idea to write a book of my own, starting with basic stair building I took all the fluff or the hard to understand advanced stair building applications out of my book, How to Build a Straight Set of Stairs.

I put a lot of time into creating an illustration for every possible part of building a simple set of stairs. I have probably built over 2000 sets of stairs during my lifetime and have explained and taught basic and advanced stair building to other carpenters. Understanding what parts of the stair construction process they understood, I was able to improve my skills as a stair building teacher.

Most people do not need advanced stair building skills to construct a simple straight set of stairs. If you are building a straight set of stairs and would like a stair building book with lots of easy to understand illustrations along with simplified directions you have found it.

We're building more stair building books to help contractors, carpenters, handymen and homeowners understand the stair building process.

Greg Vanden Berge is working on the internet to promote the education for creating simple to follow guides and home building books to help professional building contractors as well as the weekend warriors. He is currently working on more building stairs books and adding useful content to help solve problems created by the lack of construction knowledge in the building industry.

How Tough Are Concrete Epoxies

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Exterior Remodeling - Fiber-Cement Siding Compared to Vinyl Siding

In the world of remodeling the exterior of your home, there are several things to consider when comparing fiber-cement siding to vinyl siding.

Disguising the Problem

Vinyl siding is sometimes used as a cover-up to be placed over the old damaged cladding. The current problems may still exist. Sometimes it may be improperly installed. This invites insects and moisture to build up behind the panels, and may even go through the structure of the home.


Vinyl facing may melt or burn if it too close to a heat source such as your grill or a close by fire. The flammability of the cladding is such a concern that some counties/districts are starting to educate homeowners about its natural flammability.

Fiber-cement facing is non-combustible when exposed to significant amount of heat or flame. It has been appreciated for this safety feature. It is also approved for fire-rated structure.

All colors fade from the sun and there are several options that you can do to replace vinyl cladding. You can install a replacement piece and try to find the matching color of your original siding. You can also replace all the cladding again if you can't find the matching color. You may also paint the facing, but keep in mind this type of facing is made to expand and contract which will cause the paint to chip and peel over time.

Fiber-cement facing can be painted any color that you desire. It will also remain longer than with wood. It won't crack and peel as quickly as vinyl.


Always look at the warranty before your purchase. Look closely at the "Life-Time" to see how many years the warranty really covers and also what is covered. Check the "Normal Weathering" section to see what their definition is of normal weathering.

Fiber-cement facing may be found to have a 50 year transferable limited product warranty, and a 15 year finish warranty. This warranty is good for even the most sever climates.

Poor Quality and Aesthetics

Vinyl siding may not look as natural as wood. It has overlapping seams and fake wood grains that try to copy the appearance of wood.

Fiber-cement siding has the beauty of real wood with the ability to be painted any color and not have the chipping and peeling of vinyl or wood. There are no overlapping seams to take away from the natural appearance it will lend to the home.

Weather Resistant

Fiber-cement cladding is a very durable product that can even withstand the most severe climates. It will not go brittle in the cold or be damaged by flying debris like the other type of cladding is known to do.

The great amount of thickness that accompanies fiber-cement cladding adds to the products strength that provides impact resistance from wind or hail.

The finest vinyl siding is only 5/100th inch thick.

These are several things you need to consider when investing in the exterior of your home. In the long run, having fiber-cement siding is aesthetically and financially more sound than having vinyl siding which is an inferior product.

Mr. Oliver is a marketing agent of Blue Ridge Exteriors. The siding contractor provides James Hardie Siding throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their James Hardie Siding please visit their website.

Need Help Remodeling In Carlsbad

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Home Maintenance Schedules - House Ideas

If you have trouble remembering when you purchased that new refrigerator, washer or other home appliance, you're not alone. What is probably even tougher is remembering when you serviced the furnace filters, checked the hot water heater or when the stove fume hood was last cleaned.

All of these tasks are made easier if you develop and maintain a simple system of recording when these tasks are done. This record should be added or completed as the last item on the list that's kept with the appliance or in a 'home maintenance record book or file.

Having trouble finding the proper tags or file system? Try the local office products store or office products section of your local grocery or hardware store. A simple Journal book will work to keep a running record of home, yard and auto repairs and maintenance. While this record takes a bit longer to find what was done when, it is recorded in chronological order...all in one place.

Another tip is similar to that used by the fire department to record the maintenance schedule of such things as the fire extinguishers. Various tags and holders are available in hardware or home supply stores that permit you to record the date, month, day and year, of the service or repair. This tag is invaluable for items as water heaters, water and furnace filters or any other appliance that receives periodic checking and maintenance by the home or apartment dweller. Many times these appliances are installed by the owner or delivery person and simply "forgotten about" until something goes wrong!

Then it is not only a scramble to get the fixture back in service, but also a hassle to find out the make, model, last service date etc. If you take the extra minute or two to record the purchase, date, location, date, model, serial number or model number, you know have the information you need to contact the local dealer or service department. Also, if you're not inclined to fix, repair or replace the unit yourself, you have the minimum information to begin the process of finding the help or aid of the local 'Handyman'.

Dennis Bries

Painting Metal Siding

Bamboo Flooring - Fallbrook Home Remodeling

When it comes to choosing a new floor for your home there are many choices available to today's home owner. Bamboo flooring provides an excellent alternative to traditional hardwood flooring materials. Growing in popularity as an alternative, bamboo flooring has many attractive features that make it a viable option for modern homeowners. Although harvested primarily in China, bamboo flooring can now be found quite easily in both European and North American markets. Many of those that adopted bamboo flooring early on point out its environmental friendliness due to it being a renewable resource. The bamboo plant regrows very quickly when compared with the time it takes a forest to regrow. In fact, the bamboo plant is considered a grass, as it grows far faster than a normal forest. When done responsibly, harvesting of the bamboo plant can be accomplished in a environmentally friendly manner.

How does bamboo flooring stack up when compared to traditional flooring materials? High quality bamboo flooring is harder and more durable than even the most expensive hardwood flooring. Moisture does not affect bamboo in the way that hardwood suffers from water damage. Where traditional hardwood may buckle and crack because of water exposure, bamboo flooring will keep out water without a problem. Bamboo flooring is engineered like a laminate and treated under very high pressure with a high quality glue. This makes bamboo flooring very resistant to abrasions and scratches, where a hardwood floor would end up showing scratches. Bamboo flooring has become significantly more affordable in the past number of years as well.

Best of all, bamboo flooring can typically be installed at home without any professional assistance. Like many of the newer hardwoods, bamboo flooring is made with a groove that allows the planks to interlock, making them considerably easier to install. Before installing a bamboo floor, allow the planks to adjust to their new environment for no less than 72 hours. Although bamboo flooring is very resistant to moisture, they do need some time to adjust to their new climate before installation. Having an experienced flooring professional install the material for you can save you money and aggravation down the road. The last thing you want is to ruin your new floor due to an improper installation method.

What steps need to be taken in order to provide upkeep for a bamboo floor? Maintenance requirements are fairly simple for bamboo flooring. Make certain to sweep and mop the floor after it is laid down. Basic regular maintenance such as dusting and sweep should be done after installation. This will prevent a build up of dust that can dull the finish. A mat used at the entrance way will keep out a great deal of dust and dirt. Dirt and small rocks can easily scratch the finish, and a mat can do a great deal to prevent this problem. By following a simply and ongoing maintenance plan you can help to keep your new bamboo floors looking their best for many years to come.

Harry Saggu is a Brampton condo real estate professional with a background in economics. Visit the site to search for Condominiums for sale in Brampton and market information.

Exterior Wood Beams

Monday, September 14, 2009

Properly Cleaning Your Siding

Cleaning the siding on your home can be a tough job because of the fact that you don't want to mess it up. You most likely paid a nice chunk of change for that siding to be installed and you should keep it looking as clean and as new as possible.

The most efficient means of cleaning your clean vinyl siding is to rinse it with the hose that you use to water your garden, grass, or flower beds. Make sure to use a nozzle on the hose and to not use high pressure when beginning to clean the siding. If you use pressure that is too high it could damage the siding. The water is also able to seep into the wood sheathing of framing of your home which could in turn cause water damage to the home.

Besides using a hose you can always use something that you have right inside your home to clean the outside of your home. Using the liquid detergent that you would wash your dishes with is another means of cleaning your vinyl siding.

You can use this in the same way that you would to wash a vehicle. Just get a large bucket, pour some of the soap into the bucket and then fill it with the water from the hose or with medium temperature water from your faucet inside of your home. Make sure to rinse the mixture off of the house when you have finished so that it doesn't leave residue on your home. It is especially important to do this when the soap has been in the sun so that it doesn't dry. This means that you should only work on small portions of the house at a time so that you can make sure to clean it properly.

When rinsing your home you should use the hose, and again make sure that it doesn't spray at to high of a pressure on the siding. Point the hose towards the bottom of the house when spraying as well so that the suds and water can rinse downward.

Kathleen Whitlow is a marketing agent and copywriter of Blueridge Exteriors. The siding contractor provides James Hardie Siding and siding services throughout the Richmond Virginia area. For more information on their Siding Contractor please visit their website.

Simple Light Switch Replacement

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Roach Exterminator Tips

Roaches are one of the oldest and most primitive insects, surviving millions of years of evolutionary changes. It's no surprise that humans find their fetid odor and destructiveness offensive. Roaches are omnivorous nocturnal insects who hide during daylight hours and feed at night.

They can be found in damp, wet places such as under kitchen and bathroom cabinets, under floors and inside walls. Some have even been known to crawl into ceiling lights such is their ability to access a hiding and breeding place. Most homeowners are appalled to find roach infestation in their homes. For commercial buildings, roaches crawling into personal belongings under desks and in supply cabinets, closets and storerooms exacerbates the problem of infestation.

Generally, the "Do-It-Yourself" homeowner will attempt to exterminate roaches through the use of roach sprays, powders and pastes. The difficulty here is reaching areas with these methods that are hidden and fully infested. Also, there are several other problems that should be addressed: whether these applications are hazardous to humans and pets and long-term contamination from chemicals used for extermination. After several failed attempts, a homeowner may choose a professional exterminator.

Choose a professional exterminator with as much care as you would any residential service representative. Select a company with good business credentials. Check to insure that each exterminator is licensed by a state regulatory agency as well as a business association. This will prevent less experienced individuals from endangering your home to unnecessary exposure to extermination methods that can be harmful to your family's health.

A good exterminator will usually require a quarantine period for extreme or prolonged infestation. This will entail evacuation from the premises for a period of 24 to 48 hours, depending on the infestation problem. If infestation problems are limited, a few hours evacuation may be all that is necessary, followed by a full and complete airing of the premises, just as you would for interior painting or floor sanding.

Most exterminators will provide a complete list of follow-up actions by inhabitants to avoid unnecessary contact with contaminants. Usually, one application by a professional exterminator is all that is required for less resistant infestation. However, most exterminators will provide a second application usually at half the cost or often, free of charge.

Obviously, following the advice of your professional exterminator with regard to roach damage is critical to avoid serious structural problems. As well, your professional exterminator may make recommendations as to correcting possible future infestation such as maintaining plumbing so that moisture is reduced; thereby reducing the fertile environment for roach breeding. Roaches tend to breed egg sacs in dampness. But, certain types of roaches often breed live offspring.

Most helpful is to avoid contact with places that tend to breed these insects and maintaining a home that doesn't invite roach proliferation.

David Wilson is the man behind the Roach Exterminator guide, a site devoted to helping you learn how to kill roaches and more.

Materials For Stair Treads

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Home Improvement Tips - Types of Countertops

It used to be that laminate was pretty much your only choice for kitchen countertops. Those days are thankfully long gone but now a homeowner is faced with a variety of choices and wide range of prices available for your kitchen renovation.

Some of the popular choices include:

Ceramic Tile

This remains as a popular and economical alternative that is heat and scratch resistant. It is high maintenance though since it needs to have it's grout sealed regularly to avoid staining.


This is a incredibly versatile surface that can be textured and detailed with patterns unlike any other surface. However it is extremely porous and needs to be regularly sealed to avoid stains.

Engineered Stone

This product is made of a quartz composite with colored pebbles or different materials giving its wide range of colors. Texture is usually even and the colors can be reproduced over larger areas. It as extremely durable product that can resist heat and stain.


Granite is a natural stone. It comes from different regions of the world and can vary widely in color and pattern. It needs to be seamed and requires period sealing to avoid stains. It cannot tolerate high heat from hot pans.


Laminate comes in a variety of colors but is not designed to be long lasting. Although it is somewhat stain resistant it will scratch easily. It will also burn easily from hot pans.


This is another natural stone that is porous and stains easily. It must be sealed every two to five years. They are also easily scratched and cannot take high heat from hot pans.


This is a third natural stone that is less porous and doesn't require sealing but can be easily scratched

Stainless Steel

This is a very popular product because of the sleek modern look it conveys. It is very durable and resists staining. Often times the surface is brushed to hide any scratches.


Various types of hardwoods can be used for countertops. It does require regular sealing to avoid drying out and is susceptible to burns from hot pans.

These are some of the pros and cons of the more popular types of countertops. Choose your countertop carefully depending on your usage and needs.

Bob Current writes on a variety of subjects including home improvement tips. You can get a free copy of his report about Choosing The Best Contractor for your project at and at

What Kind Of Wood Rot

Foundation Waterproofing

Most people who build a new home with a basement plan on making it an added living space. New homeowners want to install a large screen TV, a pool table or maybe another bedroom. They expect that their basement will be dry and free of water. But what they don't know is that it may be possible that their basements are not waterproof.

Water vapor that gets into a basement causes the musty odors that you smell in a basement. Any liquid water that gets into a basement can damage carpets, drywall and any insulation that is installed inside the basement. And it can cause mold to grow.

First the Basics

Not all foundation coatings are waterproofing. When foundations are built, many are coated with what is called dampproofing. This is a bituminous asphalt membrane that is black in appearance. While it has been used for decades, it does not truly waterproof a basement. Dampproofing can stop water vapor, but that is it. Dampproofing cannot stop liquid water from getting through the foundation walls and into the basement.

Foundation Waterproofing Membranes

According to the ICC-ES, a non-profit public benefit corporation that evaluates products and sets performance criteria for the residential building market, waterproofing must do three things. First, it must stop water vapor. This gaseous form of water is released by the surrounding soils and can move through the foundation walls and into the basement.

Secondly, waterproofing membranes must be able to stop liquid water under hydrostatic pressure. In easy to understand terms, hydrostatic pressure is the force exerted by liquid water that is in the soil. You can think of it just like the water in a water tower. The taller the soil and therefore the higher the water column in it, the greater the hydrostatic pressure against your foundation. Also, the amount of water that is in the soil itself can affect the amount of hydrostatic pressure. The greater the amount of water in the ground, the higher the hydrostatic pressure exerted against the foundation.

Third and most important is that waterproofing must span a crack in a foundation. Foundations crack as a normal process of concrete curing, and if that crack is not sealed against water intrusion, it can leak when it rains.

Why Dampproofing will not Stop Water

Dampproofing does not have the ability to stop liquid water under hydrostatic pressure. This is because it goes on very thin, only 10 mils thick in some cases. Water under hydrostatic pressure can go right through it.

Because the dampproofing is brittle and has no flexibility, it cannot span a crack in a foundation. When the foundation cracks, so does the dampproofing. Therefore, liquid water can penetrate into the basement area.

The terms waterproofing and dampproofing are incorrectly used interchangeably. So, when you are building your new home, be sure that your builder is using a quality waterproofing membrane. It will give years of protection and effectively give you a larger living space that will stay dry and keep your finished basement safe from water.

This article is written by Aaron Kuertz who's with Applied Technologies, LLC. Aaron has been in the waterproofing industry since 1998. Applied Technologies is a manufacturer and supplier to professional waterproofing contractors and homeowners in the United States. For more information about foundation waterproofing visit Applied Technologies on the web.

Extreme Temperature Building

Friday, September 11, 2009

Fireplace Design Ideas

Are you trying to find some inspiring information about fireplace design ideas? There are some basic elements to any fireplace that are generally addressed in turn, in order to come up with a complete fireplace design. There are three main components to any fireplace design.

The three primary components to fireplace design include the hearth, the firebox and the type of opening that is employed between the firebox and the room in which the fireplace is located. The hearth is the area outside of the firebox, in general. The firebox is the area in which the fire itself will be burned.


Let's first talk about hearths. A hearth may be flush with the floor, raised above the floor, or sunk down lower than the floor. Additionally, there may be no hearth to speak of at all. In these cases the firebox should be at least two inches above the floor, as the hearth is what helps protect the floor from the heat of the fire.

Another type of hearth may include hearth seats of various kinds. The most traditional and popular type of fireplace with hearth seats are the kinds that feature simply two blocks on either side of the firebox opening.


As with the hearth types, the different kinds of fireboxes generally have mainly to do with the height relative to the floor and / or hearth. There are raised fireboxes, flush fireboxes that are the same height as the floor, and there are dropped fireboxes that are somewhat lower than the hearth and / or floor in front of the fireplace.

Fireplace Openings

Of course the most widely utilized type of fireplace opening is the rectangular opening. Generally, a rectangular opening will be just that: rectangular in shape. However, even with rectangular openings, the sides typically flare outward from the firebox toward the face of the fireplace.

There are flat arch top openings where the sides are straight, yet the tope of the opening has a slight arch to the shape. As with the traditional rectangular opening, the sides typically flare outward from the firebox toward the face of the fireplace.

There are full arch fireplace openings where the opening contains no straight lines. These types of fireplace openings have one continuous curve all around the fireplace opening. This is the type of opening you are probably used to seeing in American Southwestern style fireplaces.

There are also corner fireplace openings that allow for there to be two open sides to the fireplace. As the name suggests, a corner opening fireplace is situated in such a way that an entire corner section of the firebox is exposed.

There are U-shaped fireplace openings where the firebox is exposed on three sides, the front, as well as the two side areas. These last two types of fireplace openings will generally produce better heat radiation. If you will be using your fireplace to heat your home, and not merely as decoration these are certainly worth looking into. For images of these various fireplace styles, take a look at .

Jon worked in construction for 10 years before starting his own local fireplace installation service 8 years ago. At his website, Jon will show you how his years of experience in the industry can help change your fireplace into the focal point of your home. To learn more about fireplace design ideas visit

What Kind Of Wood Rot

Thursday, September 10, 2009

The Pure Water Benefits Of A Water Filter

Water is the main element in our body which we need to survive. Doctors recommend eight glasses of water a day, at least sixty-four fluid ounces. Our blood contains 83% water, the brain 74%, the liver 90% and our muscles around 75%, which makes water a must in our routine diet. The tough part is that the water we get at our taps is not as clear as we think it is and often carries bacterium along with diseases that can cause severe illnesses therefore installation of water filters is a necessity.

Clean Water Available Every Day All The Time

One of the biggest benefis of water filters would be the ability to drink uncontaminated water any time of the day or night without having to prepare or acquire long procedures to get it such as, boiling or buying it in a multitude of bottle sizes. There are water filter types for just about any use in your home from tap substitution water filters, to the shower heads and refrigerators; they all are extremely beneficial and provide a cleaner, fitter way of life for you and your family.

Inexpensive And Extremely Effective

If you dont want to make the investment by installing water filters for your whole house, you can get the substitute water filters that can be situated on any tap you want when you need it; in fact they are best left on kitchen taps where you need drinking and preparation water all the time but remember to turn it off when washing dishes or when in use for other purposes other then drinking.

Water Filters For A Better Skin

While the first thing that comes to mind when we think about water is using it for drinking purposes, water is ill-used for cleansing ourselves as well and it can be very damaging to the skin when contaminated by causing dry, cracked and an itching sensation to the skin. You can find water filters for your shower as well and assure that your skin receives uncontaminated water from the outside as well as from the inside; you will also sustain a great change in your hair as you do away with the severity of the water and the bacterium found in it.

Helpful Water Filter Tips

Help yourself, your family and the environment by filtering the water you use from drinking and cleaning; even your appliances will last longer especially the washing machine, dish washer and coffee maker when you use water that is free of bacterium and other grating substances.

You can find more information by browsing through our other articles about water filters.

Water filtration is so important for everyones health. Show your family that you care by visiting Water Filter

Learn more and see what is available when it comes to choosing a new water filter system. Water Filter will help you along the way.

What Causes Attic Odors And Stra

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How to Weld Metal

The average person's impression of how metal is welded is that you simply fire-up a blow torch and run it along the edge of a metal seam to weld it together. Or they probably think you can just run that same torch across any kind of metal and cut through it, like in the safe-cracker movies. But the reality is that professional welding actually involves some fairly extensive knowledge, and is somewhat of an art form that takes many years of experience to master. Even so, if you are wanting to learn, you can start with a few simple techniques. Once you've mastered the basics and have a beginner's idea, you can then move on to the more complicated skills that take longer to master.

Safety Precautions

Before you ever start any project, always think about safety precautions first. Equipment and supplies can be replaced; you cannot be replaced. You may think that getting burned is the worst thing that can happen in a welding accident. However, damage to your eyes can occur from the intense light that comes from the process. Some metal welding techniques make use of high voltage electricity to create a weld, which always raises the possibility of electrocution or death if the you are careless. As you start any welding project, be sure to wear a proper helmet to protect your eyes, head and hair. And don't forget protective gloves and clothing. Lastly, be sure to read and follow all safety precautions written by the manufacturer of the particular metal welding equipment you are using.

Oxy-Acetylene Welding (also known as Oxyfuel Welding)

This is the type of welding that the average person is most familiar with, and which is often casually described as a "blow torch". However, even though oxy-acetylene welding is the most commonly-known type, it is actually the least used technique among professionals. On the upside, it is less complicated and less expensive than other types of welding. However, oxy-acetylene is less common nowadays because it is less accurate, doesn't produce a weld bead as cleanly as other methods and can result in weaker weld joints due to the slower cooling time it involves compared to other welding techniques. Even so, if you are interested in learning how to weld metal, you may want to practice oxy-acetylene welding in addition to other types of welding. It will be a handy skill to have because it's the best type to use on certain common welding projects, such as pipes or tubes, and when you have to use welding equipment to do repairing, bending and cutting.

Arc Welding

The most common technique used these days is "Arc Welding". If you're learning how to weld metal, you will definitely need to practice arc welding. Rather than using a gas torch, arc welding involves using high voltage electricity passing into the piece of metal. In Arc Welding, a spark (or "arc") jumping across from one piece of metal to the other causes enough heat to melt metal and form a weld. This process is more desirable in most cases because it is more accurate and produces a cleaner, stronger weld. Within the category of "Arc Welding" there are actually several different methods to choose from, depending on the type of metal welding work you need to do.

Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) may be best when you have large welds or metal welding in unusual positions, where a rough weld is acceptable. With this method, the electricity runs through an electrode rod (or "stick") which actually melts, producing the welded joint. On the other hand, MIG Welding, also know as Metal Inert Gas Welding, or Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW), may be better if you are involved in a metal welding project that requires more speed. With this welding technique you don't use rods that you have to keep replacing as they melt. Instead, you use equipment that sends the electricity through a metal tip that doesn't melt, and a separate piece of continuous wire is fed to the tip which melts and forms the weld. TIG (Tungsten Inert Gas) Welding is somewhat similar to MIG welding, but is better when working with thin materials where you need a high-quality weld and speed is not important. As you learn you will also hear of other methods, such as Flux-Cored Arc Welding (FCAW), Submerged Arc Welding (SAW), Plasma Welding, etc. But don't worry too much about remembering all of the various techniques. Just focus on one method at a time and get to the point where you are comfortable that you know how to weld with that method before you learn something new.

Other Welding Methods

Although you will primarily be concerned with Arc Welding and Oxy-Acetylene Welding as you learn how to weld, you might hear about other types and wonder what they are, such as Resistance Welding, Energy Beam Welding and Solid-State Welding. Don't let that overwhelm you right now. Many of those welding methods are primarily useful in large, specialized industrial applications and don't really affect you as you learn how to weld.


Hopefully you now know a little more about the basic concepts that will be important to you as you learn how to weld. As you can see, although there are numerous methods, each with it's own unique set of equipment, procedures and purposes, there are actually only a couple of basic methods you need to remember and practice. To get started learning, start practicing with an inexpensive arc welding setup. Get yourself a machine and just start experimenting with it on some scrap pieces of metal (after reading all instructions and taking all safety precautions, or course). Figure out what works, and what doesn't. You will soon begin to develop a style that is most comfortable for you. Also, get yourself some oxy-acetylene equipment and try that type, too. With a lot of practice, you will become a good novice fairly quickly and will be able to master just about any common project you may encounter.

Want to know more about welding? Visit my blog at

Monday, September 7, 2009

Build a Solar Panel - Make Your Own Electricity

You can build a solar panel easily and cheaply for your home. Renewable energy has become very popular. It is very easy to find information on all of the different forms available.

Solar energy is provided free for the taking, all you need to do is harness and use it. This is where it can get expensive. Anyone who wants to power their home will pay tens of thousands of dollars if they choose to use a commercial system and installation. You won't see a return on your investment for quite some time.

Many people have realized they can easily build a solar panel for themselves. It doesn't take an electrical engineering degree to do this. The advantages to using solar energy are numerous.

  • It is very efficient.
  • It is cheap to produce.
  • With a battery backup, you have a constant source of clean energy.
  • You will reduce or eliminate you dependence on the electrical company.
  • Helps to keep the earth green.
  • There are numerous tax advantages available to the homeowner who installs a system.
  • You can sell the excess energy that is produced back to the electric company.

You can choose to build one or several. It can power your appliances, a computer, lights or entire household. You decide how many you would like to build.

There are many different manuals on the market today showing how to build a solar panel. They give step by step instructions with illustrations. Some are better than others, so you need to shop around before purchasing one. This is a great weekend project with a big payout in the end. Join people around the world who have decided to slash their electric bill.

If you would like to learn how to make your own renewable energy see for a review of the most popular books available.

Wood Beam Repairs - Home Repair Tips

If you live in a moist climate in the winter and a dry climate in the summer and you have exterior wood beams exposed to these elements. You could develop wood beam problems over time. If wood beams are properly maintained and painted often they could last for a long time. Wood beams can last many years if properly taken care of.

Exterior wood beams that are used to hold up roofs, patios and decking can suffer from wood rot if not taken care of. Let's take for example a wooden beam located in a patio holding up a section of a large roof. The span of the roof being is only 10 feet long. As we look at the exterior wood beam. We noticed the upper corner of the beam is soft and rotted.

The beam damage is roughly the size of a baseball. The wood beam itself is a 6 x 10. Do we need to replace this beam even though the damage is not real big. The answer to this question is yes, any amount of damage to a wood beam takes away from its structural strength.

If you have a wood beam holding up the roof and the beam fails you could end up replacing a large section of your roof as well as the damaged beam. Replacing the damaged beam is usually a difficult task. The beam is usually sandwiched between two walls and will have siding or stucco around it.

If you're lucky enough to have the wood beam sitting in a saddle or on top of a wood post this will make your job easier and will require less skill. If however the beam is located between two walls this will require shoring up the roof and removing the beam.

Beam replacement should be left to professionals. This is not often as easy as it looks and could create a safety hazard if not done properly. I have seen beams replaced by homeowners or handyman and the damage that was done after the repairs, was worse than just leaving the beam alone in the first place.

The biggest problem with exterior wood beams is that they are usually holding up large amounts of weight. If the beam is removed without the proper bracing and shoring of the roof or floor area you could have a larger problem than you started with.

Exterior beams over time seemed to develop large cracks or splits in dry weather. These large cracks and splits weaken the structural strength of the beam adding more stress to the beam itself leading to structural failure eventually.

Extreme climates where temperatures very over 40 in one day seem to suffer the most damage to exterior wood beams that are not properly maintained. Beam maintenance will require painting and keeping moisture away from them.

Be aware of structural beams in or around your house. A little painting now and then can save you thousands of dollars over the life time of your house.

Greg Vanden Berge has been in the home building and remodeling business for over 30 years. With this knowledge he has created a few websites that provide useful information for home owners as well as contractors. His main goal is to educate professionals in the home related businesses, dealing with problems that can easily be avoided with just a little bit of information.

His website provides all kinds of answers to remodeling and new house building issues that could create major damage as well as possible damage to your pocket book.

Visit us now for Vista Home Improvement.

Plans For Room Additions to Homes - Home Tips

In today's financial marketplace, many growing families need additional space to accommodate their growing families, but they cannot afford to purchase new homes right now. Many people find a way around this by adding on to their existing homes using plans for room additions to homes. These plans make additional living space available.

Planning the Room Addition
Planning an addition to a home can be a challenge for many homeowners. Homeowners must be concerned about the layout of their current homes when deciding where to add additional space. The specific layout of a house will be a determining factor as to where the room addition can be added. Homeowners must be concerned about square footage as well. Each homeowner is in a unique situation regarding adding space to an existing home and must determine how much square footage needs to be added to the home to get the best use out of the additional space.

The Purpose of the Room Addition
The purpose of the room addition will also determine what type of plans for room additions to homes is needed. Some families need a bedroom addition due to a growing family. Other families need space for the family to convene together so a family room addition is necessary. Many families just need additional storage space. One of the most popular room additions right now is the additional bathroom for ever-expanding families.

Finding Plans for Room Additions
Finding plans for room additions to meet a family's specific needs can be overwhelming. However, many different places offer resources for building plans for additional rooms. Do it yourself stores or home improvement stores often have books available for purchase that contain building plans for people who need to add additional rooms to their homes. The Internet can be a valuable resource when trying to find plans for room additions to homes. Anyone can search through thousands and thousands of plans for additional rooms.

Putting the Plan into Action
Once the perfect room addition plan has been found, it is time to put the plan into action. Some homeowners choose to build the room addition themselves while others choose to hire contractors to complete the job for them. Just as each homeowner's needs vary as to the room design, each homeowner will have to decide the best course of action for completing the addition based on the individual job.

Once homeowners establish the purpose of the room addition, finding a plan to suit that need is easier to accomplish. Once the right plan is found, all it takes is putting the plan into action. Once building begins, the room addition will not take long to complete. Homeowners and their families will be enjoying the additional room and the space it provides for years to come.

Ian Pennington is an accomplished niche website developer and author

To learn more about room additions to homes, please visit New Room Additions for current articles and discussions

Solar Power For Your Home

An increasing number of people are considering solar power for home use. The reasons for each person will likely be different. However, some common reasons to "go green" are to offset rising energy costs and to live more environmentally friendly. Tapping on the endless source of sunlight is one of the best ways to achieve both. Individuals can create their own solar energy, generally through the use of panels. The process is fairly simple and there are many great places to get accurate and thorough information from. With so many people interested in alternative fuels, you can find more information than ever on them.

With a few tools, proper materials, a well written guide and a desire to alter your home's power source, it is possible to do so without too much difficulty. In a very short amount of time, an individual will be able to utilize the power from the sun. This will allow them to almost immediately see energy savings. They will also instantly reduce some of the environmental damage that is caused by traditional fuel sources.

Solar power for home use is gaining a lot of popularity. It is not only a great way to reduce costs, it also uses clean energy. It is important to have a good understanding of where you live. If you live in a part of the world where there is not a lot of sunshine or where weather is seasonal (you have winter, summer, fall and spring), you may want to opt for just a few solar panels and continue to use traditional fuel sources or oil, when necessary. Remain on the grid if need be so that you will not be caught in a situation where there is no electricity for your home.

It is now easier than ever to learn about and use alternative energy. It is possible to harness wind, sun and water to provide electricity to our homes, businesses and cities. With unstable and expensive oil prices, it makes good sense to begin exploring your options and then utilizing methods that can save you money and cause less damage to the environment. Solar power for home? Yes. It is quite possible and it makes a great deal of sense.

Tired of high electric bills? Discover how thousands of families are using homemade solar power systems to power their homes!

Handyman Salaries - Home Repairs

A handyman is a person who does odd jobs related to electrical fittings, plumbing, house cleaning, and garden upkeep. Salaries paid to handymen depend on whether they are self-employed or work for a contractor or franchisee. Self-employed handymen are paid on an hourly basis whereas handy men that work for an organization are paid monthly salaries.

Handymen salaries vary from state to state and are usually higher in big cities such as New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, Detroit, Chicago, and others. Handymen salaries also depend on the experience and skills of a handyman, which means that a handyman with more experience and skills will be paid more than a handyman who has lesser experience.

Based on independent salary surveys, the median pay range for self-employed handymen ranges from fifteen to twenty-five dollars an hour. The median salaries are however less than average salaries, which range from twenty to thirty dollars per hour. Handymen that are employed in an organization can get salaries ranging from thirty-five to forty-five thousand dollars, depending on the remuneration policies of the organization. Handyman services firms also pay commission to their employees in case they bring new work opportunities through their own contacts. They may also get bonuses if they complete their work before time.

Handymen normally prefer working for a contractor or other firms as they have plenty of resources for generating work opportunities. Working in an organization is better then being self-employed, as handymen do not have to use their salaries for purchasing tools and equipment, which is provided by the organization.

Individuals who cannot afford the services of a handyman due to their service rates can perform all the tasks done by handymen with the help of do it yourself (DIY) handyman guides available in the market. They can also take help from friends and acquaintances that have done similar type of work.

Handyman provides detailed information on Handyman, Handyman Services, Starting A Handyman Business, Handyman Tips and more. Handyman is affiliated with Home Remodeling

14 Things You Should Know About Air Conditioning

1. My home summer air conditioning bill is bigger per month than the winter heating bill per month. Traditional air conditioning is less efficient than heating and natural gas is less expensive than electricity.

2. Air conditioners have two motors that use electrical power. The compressor is the machine that makes the refrigerant cool the air. The other motor drives the fan that moves the air. Motors are energy hogs.

3. Every degree that you set your thermostat below 78 increases your air conditioning cost by 3 to 4%.

4. While your AC is working normally, you should feel the amount of airflow from your window unit or register for central units. You need to know what is normal to be able to trouble shoot problems.

5. Use a thermometer to check the room temperature and the temperature of the air that the AC is putting out. The air coming out of the AC should be about 20 degrees F cooler than the room temperature. Make a note what the difference is. This is good trouble shooting data for future use.

6. Air conditioning reduces the water vapor in the air turning it into liquid water. This makes us more comfortable by lowering the humidity in the home. The condensed water will flow down hill.

7. The water is supposed to drain outdoors from the back of a window unit, or to a basement floor drain for central air conditioning. There is a drip pan at the bottom of the window unit. There is a drip pan located under the cooling coil, inside the ductwork above your furnace for central air conditioning. The drip pan is there to catch the water and direct it the proper drain location. Seeing a lot of water going to the right place is very good news. It indicates that your AC is working as designed.

8. If water is draining to the wrong place, it can make an unpleasant mess. Window units should be tilted so the outdoor end is a little lower than the indoor end. If it is tilted, too much the wrong way water will drain into the house and make a mess.

9. Water from a central AC draining down inside of the furnace, will rust the furnace and destroy it before it wears out.

10. If the water is not draining, it will make ice and stop your AC from working. When the drip pan fills with water ice will start forming on the cold coil. The ice grows upward starting at the bottom of the cold coil. As the ice builds up it blocks the air flowing through the cold coil. You are likely to be unaware if the problem until the temperature in the house goes up. Given enough time a mixture of dust and dirt from the air, will plug the drain. Cleaning the drip pan and drain needs to be part of the pre-season maintenance.

11. How do you know when the coil inside the ductwork is iced up when you cannot see in there? If the fan is running but the airflow is reduced or stopped, it is iced up. See number 4 above.

12. If you do not take corrective action, the AC will continue to run wasting expensive electricity. The ice will continue to build up and the house will continue to get warmer. Action plan: Turn the AC off. Let the ice melt. Fix the drain problem. Turn the AC back on.

13. If the AC stops cooling but the air is flowing normally, the problem is not ice. If there is good airflow but the AC is putting out air that is not 20 degrees cooler than room temperature the problem may be due to low refrigerant level in the AC. See number 5 above. When the refrigerant leaks out the AC will continue to run wasting electricity. With low refrigerant, the AC will cool poorly and waste power.

14. What to do if your AC puts out a normal amount of air that is 20 degrees cooler than room temperature but the house does not cool down? The AC may be too small for the job. It needs your help. Action plan: Reduce the amount of outdoor hot air that is sneaking into the house. Shut off heat producing appliances and old style light bulbs. Close the storm windows and doors. Add more insulation to the attic. Spray water on the outdoor part of the central AC. Spray water on the house. Make shade for the house. Make shade for the AC. Buy another window unit. Pack up and move North.

You can save money on your energy bills at home at work by visiting the ENERGY BOOMER blog at

I am a Baby Boom Vintage Energy Engineer with a mission to help folks save money on their energy bills.

I am building on my work experience, or rather trying to put it to work for my readers.

Trying to save the planet from global climate change or delaying the economic collapse that using peak oil is expected to cause are good motives. But, saving some cash right now is better.

I just want to help folks save a buck, both at home and at work.

If it helps promote energy independence, I can support that too.

When we each shave a little off our energy bills, it is good for the environment and good for our economy.

It is nice to have good side effects while keeping cash in your pocket.

I graduated from Michigan State University with a Mechanical Engineering degree in 1971 and have had a long career saving energy in a variety of industries.

Remote Light Switches

Remote light switches - switches which allow you to turn lights (or other appliances) off or on without having to manually toggle the switch - are getting pretty commonplace these days. From internet searches to infomercials to the shelves of your local home improvement stores, these devices are everywhere.

Wireless television remotes were first developed in the 1950's. By today's standard these mechanical devices were primitive. When you pushed a button it would hit a metal bar with an audible "click" (hence the term "clicker"). The television circuits would respond to the resultant frequency and the television would turn on, turn off, change channels, etc. Unfortunately, anything that resulted in the same frequency would have the same result as my family found out when we discovered we could manipulate the television while eating simply by the sounds of our knives and forks hitting each other or the plate (my brother was especially adept at this).

Technology improved and the number of practical applications for remote controls increased. Remote light switches typically send signals to receivers either wired to the device to be controlled itself or receivers which have been plugged into an outlet with the device then plugged into the receiver. The receiver is programmed to respond to certain remote control transmitters. When you push a button on the remote, the device responds to the transmitters as programmed. This technology is sometimes employed during remodeling of rooms and in the construction of log homes, when accessing the electrical wiring to the house directly can be difficult.

When was the last time you were in the basement and absent-mindedly turned off one light before you turned on another and you were literally feeling your way along the walls to turn on a light so you could see? Or the last time you hit your shin on something in the living room stumbling around in the dark? How about the last time you stayed out later than you planned and came home to a dark house?

Just think of how handy it would be to have remote light switches for these and all of the other applications you can think of! These devices are a must for every household!

To read more visit Remote Light Switches

Sunday, September 6, 2009

How Garage Remodeling Will Fix Your Storage Problems

Garage remodeling is probably the quickest way to add much needed space to your home. If youre considering any sort of home repair this may just be the one that should be first on your list. If youre not using your garage for an area to park your car, then expanding the living space of your home can be quite easily achieved by making this change. As well, youll feel like your home and life are much more organized when you stop storing everything in this area.

If youre thinking of adding a studio, a home office, or a workshop to your home, then of course you need to look no further than the garage. You can even use this area as a home gym, or as an extra living room designated for special events or entertainment purposes. But, dont think that this means that you cannot still store things in this area, or even that you have to sacrifice your parking area. It all really depends on how you go about with your remodeling plans and what your household wants and needs might be.

Since a lot of garages are attached to the house, they can benefit from the exact comfort as the home, which include heating and cooling, phone wiring, as well as plumbing. Youll just need a little imagination, a set budget and a plan.

If you worry that by remodeling your garage, youre losing too much precious storage area, have no fear because you can always build a small storage space behind your garage which can be used to house your tools, sporting equipment, and other items.

Furthermore, when you remodel your garage you should think about adding an addition above your garage. You can add a room for work space and even for living space above the existing garage, which will give you more space as well as increase the your homes value without making major changes to your floor plan.

Do you feel the need to remodel your garage but dont know exactly what you need or want? Then you should consider the following ideas.

How about transforming your garage into a laundry room if youve been performing your laundry duties in the basement. By building a laundry in your garage youll do away with the need to go trounce up and down the stairs a million times a day.

Are you a musician, or just want to be one? A music studio can be a superb choice for your remodeling plans if you or your kids show some talent in this direction. After all, where do you think all of those garage bands got their start? Youll want to consider soundproofing your garage walls so as to avoid your neighbors complaints.

Heres an idea! Change it into a gym. If youve got equipment but you dont have enough space to use it in the house, simply move it into the garage where youll have plenty of space for your daily workouts and. An added benefit is that you wont be bothered by anyone. However you choose to use your new space, hopefully youll enjoy it.

The columnist Leroy Calstard is very excited about issues related to woodworking workbench. His observations on garage workbench can be discovered on in addition to other websites.

AC System Replacement - The Efficiency Consideration - Should I Repair it or Replace It

In my recent article entitled "Air Conditioning System Replacement - The Age Consideration" we recently discovered how the age of your home cooling system can be a determining factor in the decision to replace your current Air Conditioner or Heat Pump System. Now let's see how the upgrade of efficiency plays into the equation of a new Cooling system replacement.

Efficiency is the leading reason that most families replace their existing Air Conditioning systems. Let's face it, if something didn't improve, be it money savings on utility bills or comfort, no one would change out their working units. Cost savings are a serious trigger for homeowners these days and a new Air Conditioning System can prove to be an investment that pays off in a big way.

Let's take a look. As the age issue points out, an Air Conditioning System that is approaching 15 years of age, will probably only be rated at 8 or 10 SEER. SEER is the efficiency measurement and standard that all U.S. Air Conditioning Systems are given for their operating cost efficiency. SEER stands for Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio. Currently, the minimum SEER that is available in the U. S. is 13 SEER, and some systems are rated as high as 21 SEER.

So what does this mean to you the homeowner? Well, let's say you currently have an 8 SEER Air Conditioner and you decide to upgrade to a 13 SEER (current minimum standard). Each numeric rise in SEER rating equates to approximately an 8% increase in efficiency. That being the case, a 40% efficiency gain is possible (13-8=58=40). This means that if your average monthly summer cooling bill is $200, you could save up to $80 per month on our utility bill or nearly $1000 per year.

A savings of $1000 per year is huge. Now how does this play into the decision to replace your current air conditioning or heat pump system? Simply do the math. Over the course of the first five years, the saving alone will more then pay for the cost of a new system. What are you waiting for?

Jay Boyd owns his own heating and air conditioning store Home Air Direct where he helps the do-it-yourselfer save money. His blog site Ask Boyd contains numerous tips and stories involving the HVAC industry.

Why Ozone Use is a Must When Properly Treating a Mold Problem in a Home Or Building

Have You Been Told You Can Complete a Thorough Mold Remediation Project Without Using a High Level Ozone Shock Treatment?

Think Again!! Says Nations Top Mold Remediation Expert, Quoting a Military Report Issued By Scientists at Los Alamos National Laboratory Which Proves Its Practically Impossible

Did You Know That Anthrax Reproduces With Toxic Spores Just Like Toxic Mold?

I Discovered That The US Military Has Studied How to De-Con a Civilian Building Which Has Been Contaminated by a Spore Based Pathogen Like Mold. The Studies Were Conducted After the Anthrax Attacks on Congressmen Using the US Post Office. Their Discoveries Throw Conventional Mold Treatment Out the Window!

Ozone Myths Shattered!

Often I am asked about the effectiveness of Ozone treatments for mold remediation.This is a complex topic, which has many sides.
If you ask me is ozone effective for mold remediation I would honestly answer, that it depends...

On what you ask? Well on many, many, things I answer.

You see there are some contractors out there that are using powerful ozone generators as a substitute for the actual physical steps of mold remediation. I have heard claims like:

"Our ozone machines are so powerful they will turn mold to ash."

"They will literally vaporize mold."

"Leave the dry wall and the ozone cannons will destroy the mold which you can paint right over"

And Dozens of other lies.

The truth is the use of ozone alone is never a complete treatment for mold.

The roots of mold will penetrate deep within a substrate up to 3/16ths to .5 inch.

Additionally even dead mold is still poisonous. So removing physically all of the structures of the mold organism is necessary. Just using a gas-out alone, will never accomplish this objective.

Molds reproduce by making spores that cannot be seen without magnification. Mold spores waft through the indoor and outdoor air continually. When mold spores land on a damp spot indoors, they begin growing and multiplying, and soon the mold problem is out of control. Many types of molds exist. ALL MOLDS have the potential to cause health effects.

Ozone Kills Mold!

Ozone is a powerful gas and it will destroy mold spores and the mVOCs created by toxic bacterial or fungal organisms.

In fact according to a study conducted at Los Alamos National Laboratory (that's where they developed the atomic bomb) scientists discovered, that in order to truly complete the decontamination of a home school or commercial building that has been contaminated with a spore based pathogen, like mold it is absolutely vital to complete your decontamination process with the use of a gas-out that would flood the area with toxic levels of a reactive gas.

The reason given is that a building has so many nooks crannies crevices and cul- de-sacs; it has so many surfaces that interface between boards and in ducts and others inaccessible spaces where spore can hide and remain eluded by liquid based disinfectants. That's right no amount of HEPA vacuuming or air-scrubbing or manual clean up can ever achieve complete true de-con without a gas out due inaccessibility.

But a gas can over come this because at high levels the gas can penetrate right into all the nooks and crannies and even into carpets and fabrics and other porous materials.

While many gases were considered the winner was ozone hands down!

The reason is simple ozone is lethal to virtually all pathogens- yet it is made of O3 which is pure oxygen O2 %2B O a single free-radical oxygen molecule. The single oxygen can only last for a split second when it bonds with and adheres to other molecules. With viruses mold and bacteria it punches a hole directly into the cell wall and then begins to destroy the contents. A tremendous amount of ozone is required for serious remediation.

If a high parts per million concentration of ozone is not reached within a given area, all the bacteria will not be killed. Mold will then grow once again from any remaining live spores, and strong odors may return. That is why we use Bio3 Blaster commercial grade powerful industrial strength ozone air generators. They are chosen by only the best professionals for serious mold, mildew, odor and pollutant removals in homes, offices, motel rooms, clubs, pubs, basements, cars, boats, as well as for fire, flood and crime scene cleanup restorations.

What is then left behind is pure oxygen O2... Safe and healthy.

The only way for this process to be effective is to isolate an area and then to use powerful ozone generators known as cannons to generate ozone at very high levels to completely saturate the air in the isolated area.

The Way its Done is With an OZONE CANNON!

No people plants animals or fish can be present when this is done.
Each room of the house can be blasted with an Ozone Treatment to sterilize them of mold.

High powered ozone travels and kills mold and bacteria all through the room.

This process is known as High Ozone Shock Treatment.

It is not a substitute for mold remediation. If there is mold growing on sheet rock for instance ozone is not an answer. Mold will grow completely through sheet rock once the hyphal root penetrates the paper of the drywall it quickly permeates the gypsum as it is made of calcium carbonate a mineral rich food source for mold. The mold almost always penetrates the paper behind the wall too! If mold is growing in an attic, ozone alone is not an answer. For the same reasons the roots of the mold penetrate the boards to deeply for ozone alone to completely destroy the problem.

What ozone is great for is to get into the areas where the human or fogger or HEPA vac can't and to destroy the spores that were missed.
As humans, trained mold workers lack eyes good enough to see the mold they are combating once it goes airborne. You see ten thousand spores can fit onto the head of a pin.

They are that small!!!

In one square inch of flowering mold there can be anywhere from 1-5 million!!! What's worse is that when a mold worker begins to fog or spray the mold- the mold, has a built in survival mechanism called bursting or sporulation which allows it to send clouds of invisible spores into the air to escape the chemicals being sprayed onto them. This means that in a typical mold remediation job, millions and billions of spores are put into the air and are too tiny to see.
By saturating the area that the treatment has been performed in after the mold has been killed and treated only is one is assured of complete decontamination.

If you can stand to be in a room with an ozone machine it does NOT have the power to kill mold and bacteria. You can ONLY kill mold by the use of unoccupied room High Ozone Shock Treatments.Mold can ONLYbe killed by ozone levels much higher than meant for human occupation like our machines can produce.

This step should only be performed, after the gross removal of the porous building materials like drywall, after the stains have been removed and after the surfaces have been fogged and or vacuumed.

Ozone will also permanently destroy the mVOC's and musty odors.

Ozone oxidizes poisonous materials rapidly; sterilization ability is 600--3000 times stronger than Chlorine. Ozone kills E-coli 3125 times faster than chlorine. Some swimming pools/spas use ozone because it is a strong disinfectant, but it converts back into oxygen so it does not have harmful effects like chlorine. The proof of the efficacy of Ozone Shock therapy can be found in a study published in the Journal of the International ozone Association.

Many mold remediation companies use zero or no sporicidal products (things that kill spore or mold "seeds") to perform a mold remediation process. That means They always leave behind spore-contaminated structures.

Killing the spores is the most important part of a mold remediation process!!!!

Leaving the spores behind is like planting future mold problems which will inevitably develop or germinate later.

Safe Mold Solutions recommends no less than two sporicides (things that destroy spores) be used.

We have found the use of both Ozone and hydrogen peroxide to be ideal.

Both ozone and hydrogen peroxide work nearly identically. Both use free radical oxygen to destroy mold viruses bacteria and spores. Hydrogen peroxide leaves behind water, ozone leaves behind only pure oxygen.

No Residues... Safe and Effective!!!!!

What does all this mean?

If you have allergies to bacteria and mold or are suffering from contamination you can only sanitize, and truly destroy, these contaminants buy the use of an unoccupied room high Ozone Shock Treatment. Once you have shocked the unoccupied room or area you can then return an hour after the machine is turned off to breathe and sleep better in the room that has been sanitized. NO air purifier or chemical can do that for you!!!

We recommend the use of the machines that only Elite professionals use to kill mold spores in high humidity and flooding situations. The use of high powered ozone shock treatments is the ONLY way to reach hard to get to areas to kill mold spores.

If a competitor offers you a mold clean up protocol without Ozone Shock Treament- kick him out of your home!!! He obviously doesn't understand mold or its' complete and thorough clean up!

Charles Boday CMI, CMRC, CMLCC CALL 1-800-948-4947 NOW! In the past we have worked for Ocwen , the Veterans Administration, Fannie Mae, HSBC/ Household, Countrywide, First Merit, Safeguard properties, American General, Westfield, Auto-owners, Nationwide, Allstate, Prudential and many others!!! Remember when mold is suspected or has been detected in a structure you owe to yourself to hire the very best .... FOR LESS!!!!

Get more for your money! You'll get immediate service turnaround - most inspections performed in 24-48 Hours.

You'll Get Complete Pre and Post Testing and Protocol Planning services available Now!You'll get the Best Mold Clean Up Contractors in the Midwest serving states east and west of the Mississippi. You'll get the best trained inspectors in the industry!

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You'll get the best guarantees in the industry!

Call Now, 1-800-948-4947 To schedule an inspection and solve your problems permanently!