Saturday, September 5, 2009

Temperature Control with Solar Panels

While solar energy is most often associated with the production of electricity, heating is also a major platform. Temperature control is the key to an efficient system.

Temperature Control with Solar Panels

The sun produces a ton of energy, but solar panel systems have historically been very inefficient at converting it. With improving technology, efficiency has improved to the point where most panel systems can easily produce enough energy to heat water for the home and pools. Obviously, controlling the heat production is a key element of this process.

Solar heating control systems come in a variety of forms. Most are designed to work on temperature differential strategies. Temperature differential controls work by using two sensors. The first is located close the panels being used to heat the water or liquid substitute. The second is located on or close to the liquid return valve into the panel system. Put in practical terms, one sensor measures the temperature of liquid set to leave the panel while the other measures the temperature of liquid coming into the panel.

The process works by waiting for temperatures to rise to a temperature determined by you. Once the liquid meets the temperature, the sensors trigger a computer to turn on the circulation pump and move the liquid to the desired location. Once the return valve sensor notes the temperature of the returning water is within a particular range of the liquid in the panel system, the pump is shut off.

Controlling temperature and efficiency is important in any heating system, but particularly in solar platforms. Although particular designs may vary from the above description, they all serve an important function. By regulating temperature, controllers make your panel system much more efficient. Pump use and abuse is cut down and temperature increases are quicker.

Solar solutions are coming to the front of the energy debate for many residences. Countries like Germany are making huge investments in solar platforms and technologies. Solar can be a cost-effective solution for you as well. Just keep in mind that efficiency is a must if you are pursuing solar water heating.

Rick Chapo is with, a directory of solar energy companies. Visit us to read more articles on solar power and solar heating controllers.

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